Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Chair

Here are some images of the chair that i have obtained. Its a very low chair that reaches about 1m from the ground. Personally i see this chair evolving into the rocking veriety. The chair was found in my backyard, amoungst other similarlty disused and dereliced chairs. There was no cost in precuring this chair.

The chair itself is made from a hard wood that is covered in a very worn fabric, nailed all together, possibly with the aid of glue. There is no lable to speak of, therefore hard to find out who constructed the chair itself. The fabric appears to be a standard traditional pattern worn away and ripped, with light staining and dust, with a white underside fabric. The innards are simple, with the seating section conatining springs overlaid with some form of fabric stuffing (possibly cotton stuffing). The back rest contains the same fabric contents (albeit overflowing).

The manufacturing process would have been fairly simple, with the wood cut and sanded into shape, then glued and nailed into its current form. The main patterened fabric would then cover the outter, with the springs and stuffing inserted, then the underside fabric nailed over the base to hold the whole. The backrest would have undergone a similar process, with the patterned fabric replacing the white for the back of the chair to maintain the aesthetics.

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